Blogger Recognition Award

kao-blogger-1x1-6541Last week I was nominated for the Blogger Recognition Award by Lavinia of Bonjour Berlin. I am honored to be nominated and to know that my photo’s are appreciated. So thank you, Lavinia! 🙂

A few years ago I (re)discovered the art of photography and have been living my life through the lens since then. I started this blog in 2013 to have a platform to share my (almost) daily photo work. In 2015 I started my photography business next to my work as a musician and freelance event producer. My biggest wish is to  to make photography my main business. I know it takes a lot of hard work, but since I love to work for my passions (I did the same for my music), this is not a barrier at all. You could say that I’m a work-a-holic, however, working on something you love doesn’t make it feel like work 🙂 My philosophy for life or life purpose is to follow my heart. As long as I keep the faith and put in the appropriate work everything will fall into place one way or another. So I keep making photo’s to a.o. develop my skills. And I will surely keep sharing photographs to stay in touch with you, my followers (also on Facebook, Instagram and other platforms) and to share with you my view on the world around me. Thanks for following this blog, liking my posts etc! I really appreciate your support!

I nominate the following 15 inspiring photography blogs for the Blogger Recognition Award. Thank you for your inspiration!

BR_AwardEdge of Humanity
Han Dekker
Harrie Nijland
Javier GM PhotographyG
Joshi Daniel Photography
Leanne Cole Photography
Never clip my wings
Pear and Bulb
Photographer’s Log
Photo Roberts Blog
Photo Vinc
Here are the rules when you are nominated for the Blogger Recognition Award:

  • Select 15 other blogs you want to give the award to. You cannot nominate yourself or the person who has nominated you.
  • Write a post to show off your award! Give a brief story of how your blog got started. Thank whoever nominated you, and provide a link to their blog. List who you’ve nominated in the post.
  • Comment on each blog and let them know you’ve nominated them. Provide a link to the award post you created.

7 thoughts on “Blogger Recognition Award

  1. Congratz with your nomination; and thanks for nominating me; shows your appreciation of my photo’s. Now the hard part: I like to put my energy in my photo’s, blog and in following others; so I’m not into this nomination thing.. sorry and cheers.

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